Exclusive Resources
for Readers

Welcome to the Book Extras page!

As a thank you for purchasing the 7-Figure Fundraising book, we’re giving you exclusive access to additional tools to help you grow your resources.

Here, you’ll find a 6-Week Implementation Guide, a video on How To Create Warm Lead Emails, The Dynamic Dozen Spreadsheet, and more!

6-Week Implementation Guide

In this FREE email series, you’ll receive six consecutive weeks of how to implement what you’ve learned and improve your fundraising campaigns. Put into practice each of the lessons from the 7-Figure Fundraising book, and improve your nonprofit’s fundraising!

    Who Are Your
    Top Donors?

    Take a minute to fill out this Dynamic Dozen spreadsheet to get a clear view of your top donors and revenue percentages.

    Be sure to watch the video to learn how to make your own copy of this spreadsheet and personalize it for your non-profit.

    How To Create
    Warm Lead Emails

    Do you need help with referrals? Learn how to create an effective referral email using Chat GPT!

    In this video, Trevor will walk you through a step-by-step approach to create a compelling fundraising pitch and referral email draft.

    Want to learn more?

    attend our workshop

    Sign up for our 7-Figure Fundraising Workshop to learn and master a proven fundraising system that’s been used by more than a 1,000 nonprofit leaders to grow and scale their organizations.

    Together, you can learn to confidently move donors to action, scale your non-profit, and build a world-class fundraising team with specialized roles.

    Contact us today for a special bulk pricing rate!

    Continue the journey
    to raising millions
    with your team.